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Sumatra - Java - Bali Overland and Volcano Tours

Overland tours West Java, Sumatra, Central Java, East Java and Bali island are interesting which is the tour mix the Nature, Culture, Ethnic and Volcanoes tour to be one destination to visit Indonesia Archipelago
Way Kambas National Park in lampung province is noted for the elephant which are protected in the park but also exploited ia a elephant training show and Sumatra Rhinoceros Sanctuary. Elephant tour here we will drive the Elephant through the jungle to search wild elephant and tracking up the hill, cross the river and swamp here also possibility see the wild Sumatra tiger ( the Duration of  gajah track / drive the elephant off road tour  will spend like 1 or 2 hours but also depend on the gust request ). Boat trip at Way kanan River through the huge jungle of National park of waykanan by boat to search Sumatra Tiger mostly the tiger come to the river for drink, crocodile, kind of birds and other animals.
krakatoa / Krakatau tour is tour to The World Heritage Site, Krakatau tours volcano island the journey will take only 1,5 hours by fast boat form Carita beach crossing sunda strait, crossing or sailing sunda strait enjoying how rich the jungle and marine on the way to Krakatau possibility to see the group of fling fishes, tuna and dolphin sailing around the anak karkatau or the child of krakatau volcano to see larva melting down in every side of krakatau volcano climbing up the anak krakatau are very interesting activities skin dive at coral reef of krakatau at Rakata island to see kinds of color full  coral fishes it also interesting, possibility krakatau tour with one day tour Krakatau or stay over night or camping at Krakatau volcano island. krakatau tour is best choise to those who love with adventure tour.
Tangkuban Perahu the over turn boat (perahu) Volcano crater stands 30 km north of  Bandung, yers ago the centre of tangkugan perahu collapsed under the weight of built up ash and, instead of the usual conical volcano shape, its has flat elongated summit with huge caldera.

Ciater hot spring 8 km north-east of  Tangkuban perahu ciater are pretty little place in the middle of hug tea and clove estates.and Ciater Hot Spring. where we can drive right up to the rim to see the breathtaking view of the active volcano and its smoldering crater.
And continuing to Garut Papandayan.

Dieng Plateau enjoy a leisurely drive to Dieng Plateau. This 2093 meter high plateau has a variety of interesting scenery, along the journey you will see the dramatic Mountain View and visit some oldest Hindu Temples and the crater via Wonosobo passing through the beautiful countryside and vegetable plantation.

borobudur templeYogyakarta visit  Borobudur temple.
Yogyakarta is the culture heart of java, lying between two java's most potent mystical symbol explosive Gunung Merapi in the north and the Indonesia Ocean, home of the queen of the South see in the south of yogyakarta or yogya "jogja" Yogyakarta City Tour visiting Sultan Royal Palace. Enjoy a leisurely drive through the town of  Magelang to Yogyakarta en-route to visit the magnificent Borobudur Temple, one of the Seven Wonder of the World.

Kaliurang. 25 km north of yogya, is the nearest hill to the yogyakarta city, standing at 900 m on the slope of Gunung Merapi, there goog forest for walks and superb view of the smoking, fire-spewing mountain, kaliurang is the pleasent place to see the larva flow of merapi.    

bromoBromo-Tengger-Semeru National Park is just famous for its spectacular volcanic craters and Mt. Bromo is one of Java’s main attraction. For mountain climber. The park also contain javan’s highest peak.The beauty of nature and the splendid sunrise at Mt. Penanjakan. Panjakan View point 2700 M. by Jeep Then proceed to Mt .Bromo crater 2392 M through the shimmering sea of sand. excursion to Mt. Ijen. Ijen Crater shows a special type of volcanic feature common to Indonesia, about 1 km in diameter and 175 meters deep. The floor is covered completely by a warm lake, milky blue green in color, held back by a dam built many years ago by the Dutch, in order to keep the hot mineral, laden water from raining for the crop lands below Trekking down the mountain.

Ijen craterMt. Ijen. Ijen Crater shows a special type of volcanic feature common to Indonesia, about 1 km in diameter and 175 meters deep. The floor is covered completely by a warm lake, milky blue green in color, held back by a dam built many years ago by the Dutch, in order to keep the hot mineral, laden water from raining for the crop lands below. surrrounded by sheer wall rising up from maginificent turquoise sulphur lake. possible to climb down to the smoking sulphur deposit.

Java Rhino Eco-Tour Indonesia
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